Ben David Trigg

A curious, creative worship leader and songwriter

Welcome to the slow lane.

We’re all tempted to rush. Most of the time we’re just caught up in the rush and whirlwind of the world around us. But for those of us who wish to cultivate our creativity, pursue the things that make us curious, and to live deeper, more meaningful lives, we first have to slow down.

That’s what my blog posts will be devoted to for the foreseeable future. Use the menu to find links to things I’ve created, for context if nothing else; like many artists, I’m not really into self-promotion.

I’m a Christian, and much of this for me makes sense in the context of faith. You’ll also find that a lot of the things I’ve created are for the church – i.e. worship songs, although part of my creative journey is exploring the borders beyond the standard 4-chord worship song. I also arrange music outside of the ‘faith’ sphere. And I’m working on several short stories, one of which I managed to publish some time ago here on the blog.