Nothing to write

I have nothing to write. It’s a bit like being stuck at a railway station when your train is cancelled. You’re used to jumping on an idea and riding the bumpy journey until you get off – or are thrown off – at a random narrative juncture. Instead your muse didn’t show up today, now … More Nothing to write

True Worth

(Written in October 2021) My legs are aching. My legs are aching from climbing 169 steps today up the lighthouse at Dungenness in Kent. My legs are aching from climbing up and then, as if dealing with the vertigo of climbing up the spiral around the widening gulf of empty space beneath us to a … More True Worth

Rhythm and Creation

And there was evening, and there was morning. The first day. From the opening passages of the Bible, with the account of the creation of the cosmos, immediately we hear the rhythm of the story. The rhythmic undulations of the poetry of the passage may be lost to us in translation, but a rhythm more … More Rhythm and Creation

3 ways to love God (Behind the song ‘With All My Heart’)

‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.’ Deut 6:5. So says the verse that Jesus says is the most important commandment in the whole Bible. But what actually *is* the heart? And come to think of it, in these days of skepticism … More 3 ways to love God (Behind the song ‘With All My Heart’)

Guts and Glory

We just bought a new house. I know, hooray! Right now it’s empty because we have a ‘grace window’ in which to get some works done before we move in, which is great, but we find ourselves with the impossible task of knowing how to juggle which jobs have to get done, with looking after … More Guts and Glory

New Music Video Released for ‘Nothing But The Blood of Jesus’

To anyone who suspects me of jumping on the bandwagon of ‘virtual choir videos’ (which I think might become the single greatest cultural endowment the pandemic season has given the world) – to them I say, too right. What else was I supposed to do with so much time on my hands? Ha. In fact, … More New Music Video Released for ‘Nothing But The Blood of Jesus’